Enhancing Ruminant Health
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For more information 1-800-265-8335
Dairy Technical Bulletin There are three factors that influence the impact of sugar on fiber digestion. They are the rumen degradable protein (RDP) content of the diet; forage content of the diet; and amount of sugar and starch in the diet. Due to the interaction between RDP and sugar source, it is important to compare the impact of sugar on

How to determine which dairy herds are likely to respond to LFI supplementation in their diets.

When corn and soybean meal prices are high, LFI products will least cost into dairy cattle diets but this is not always the case. Grain and protein prices always return to more normal levels in time. When this situation occurs, it is important to identify those herds which will respond to LFI supplementation. This situation is not any different
Dairy Technical Bulletin This year’s spring is one for the records when it comes to the growth and harvest of 1st cut forage. According to Agriculture and Agri-Foods Canada, Southwestern Ontario has at least 50% of fields experiencing some winterkill to as much as 80% of fields being affected in Central and Eastern Ontario. This has

Properly Mixing Liquid in TMRs

Liquid feeds can be a valuable resource for dairy farms to include in their TMRs. Common liquid feeds that are included in the TMR include water, molasses based supplements, and byproducts such as condensed whey and corn products. They may be included to increase moisture content of TMRs, improve consistency, reduce sorting, or add nutrients.
Reason 1: Cows are naturally adapted to high sugar but not high starch diets. High starch diets (> 27%) and/or high starch fermentability depress ruminal fiber digestion but high sugar diets (6.5 – 8.5%) do not. Pasture grass, grass hay, and alfalfa hay are all high in sugar. Currently, dairy cows are fed large amounts of starchy

Implications of Increased Rumination Time

Recently, we completed two research trials on two large dairy farms in Michigan. Cows were supplemented with a LFI liquid supplement from 21 days before calving to 40 days after calving. Trials ran for 3 months and rumination data was collected on individual cows using rumination collars. After 3 months of trials, cows receiving LFI supplements
Hoard's Dairyman  May 29, 2017   by Maggie Gilles, Associate EditorAlthough nutritionists have a good feel for where many of the ingredients fit into a healthy dairy ration, USDA's Mary Beth Hall said we still have much to learn when in comes to sugar in rations. "We need a better understanding of how the impact of sugars on

Mixing in Molassess

Dry matter intake may be increased by adding the syrup to the diet. Have you considered adding molasses to your dairy cow rations?At a recent lecture hosted by Liquid Feeds International of Innerkip, Stephen Emanuele, PHD, dairy nutritionist with Quality Liquid Feeds based in Wisconsin, explained how adding molasses to the diet could help

Tips to reduce sorting at the feed bunk

As a nutritionist there is one part of my job that is a constant challenge. I have designed a balanced ration with the feeds available on farm but somewhere between the computer and the miking parlour something goes wrong. The ration that looks so nice on paper is not supporting milk production the way it should. The cows themselves are smart